Interview Practice
FRC works with both interviewer and interviewee. Interviewing is a skill; to be exceptional at being interviewed for landing your dream career position, takes an understanding of what exactly the interviewer is looking for, and articulates the position’s core competencies. If you interview people as part of your career; and want to hone your skills and become better at interviewing people, FRC gives tips and shares tools for becoming better.

SMART Goal Writing
SMART is an acronym used for goal writing that stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Phased. Whether you are writing a personal/professional goal or writing a team goal, FRC can help you get to the heart of your objective and help you put it into words for clarity and purpose.

30 Second Elevator Speech
Develop your own 30-second elevator speech for those optimum opportunities when you want to say something but get all tongue-tied. With FRC, you will be able to write your “pitch” and practice speaking it, whether you are an entrepreneur, job seeker, marketing specialist, or whatever the need!

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